Welcome... Fall 2024 Season


  • By admin
  • Oct 2, 2024
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  • By admin
  • Sep 12, 2024
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League Rules Section 17.

4. Any team member consuming alcoholic beverages at a League sanctioned event which were NOT purchased from a League authorized representative will have the team fined Two Hundred and Fifty ($250) dollars and that player suspended for the rest of the season including the Year End Tournament. The suspended player’s team will receive a warning and put on probation for the current and next playing year.

Friendly reminder >> NO OUTSIDE Booze

  • By admin
  • Jul 5, 2024
  • News

Left over balls from previous seasons ?

Can't take them to dump as they're basically "nuke" proof ? Well I have a solution!, dropped by MAP today and Girl's Fastpitch was having their tryouts using lots of balls for BP so BINGO a light went off! I called Jeff, the associations Prez and asked if he could use some? 100% was his reply so... if you have some in the closet, garage, shop etc email PREZ and I'll collect for Langley Girl's fastpitch.

  • By admin
  • Sep 3, 2024
  • News

Game Scores

Friendly reminder, Home Team Coaches are to enter their game scores via Coach admin.

Please ensure BOTH teams agree with the final score!

  • By admin
  • Aug 6, 2024
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SPN Roster for Fall ball

Please ensure your Fall ball Roster for our League is COMPLETE before August 15!

Pull players from your SPN Roster pool to create your SPECIFIC League Fall Ball Roster.

We IMPORT from the SPN site on the 16th

The TWO sites are NOT linked .

ONCE we import the roster that is it! Anything you do on the SPN site will NOT be reflected on our site.

  • By admin
  • Jul 26, 2024
  • News

2024 Ball / Scorebook Pick up

Will be available starting Wednesday July 24 at MVP Athletic Supplies.

You will get 1 dozen Big Balls, 1/2 dozen small balls and 1 scorebook.

If you played SPRING ball, the job box key is the same for Fall ball.

You will also have to acknowledge reading the "Terms of Understanding" on the front of the binder.

  • By admin
  • Jul 22, 2024
  • News

2024 Fall ball schedules are LIVE

You should have 14 games, 7@home, 7@visitors.

  • By admin
  • Jul 15, 2024
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Fall Ball for 2024

If interested Apply for Fall 2025 HERE

  • By admin
  • Jun 27, 2023
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League FAQ

FAQ Page for Spring / Fall ball information!!

  • By admin
  • Jun 14, 2022
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Quick reminder

From League Rules Section 2.2

Teams can NOT borrow players for League Year-end playoffs.

Also if a team is eliminated those players CAN NOT be picked up by another Team !!

  • By admin
  • Jun 26, 2024
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Rain Outs

BY DEFAULT All Games are a GO unless told otherwise.

Rain outs will be called by 5:00pm GAME day. The weather patterns change so we don't want to call too early, unless we see an Ark filled with animals floating by.

After 5:00pm the call will be MADE at the park, unless the weather gets so bad the 7:50 / 9:10 can not be played, then we will call.

When games are called, it will be posted on our Home page, a notice emailed to Coaches & Players [after rosters are imported from SPN] and sent out on Twitter and Telegram. There is NO number to call.


  • By admin
  • Mar 26, 2018
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for iPhones / iOS

Convert the .csv schedule to .ics here: https://manas.tungare.name/software/csv-to-ical/

  • By admin
  • Jul 25, 2021
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SPN Roster *update*

Teams needing to add players to their roster MUST:

ADD the player to their SPN Roster and

MANUALLY ADD the player OUR the League Roster.

We will UNLOCK both options until THIS Saturday the 26.

This will be the last opportunity !!

Has been uploaded to Fall Ball.

Please sign into Coach and Click on the Blue button "SPN PLAYER ROSTER".

You can turn on Game Check In and email game reminders.

  • By admin
  • Aug 6, 2023
  • News

SPN Rule

We are going to try out the new SPN rule were you are at a 1-1 count upon stepping up to the plate.

So you will have 1 Ball / 1 strike at your bat.

Thia affects our walk rule, so we will adopt the SPN rule.

ANY walk to a guy in front of a girl, he is awarded 2nd base.

ANY walk to a girl and she is awarded 1st base.

  • By admin
  • Jul 24, 2023
  • News

Fall Ball Schedules

  • By admin
  • Jul 21, 2023
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Fall Ball Contact Info

Welcome to the 2024 season.

Please update your Contact information >> HERE <<

Your temp pw is fall24

This is the only way we'll contact you. Please add 2 contacts so nothing slips thru the cracks.


  • By admin
  • Jun 27, 2023
  • News

Throwing girl out @ 1st

JUST heard some teams playing 5 man infield to throw girl out at one. This IS NOT Correct !!

You are presumed to have 4 outfielders at ALL times. NO THROWING Girl out @ 1 from the outfield.

Only by relaying to from 1 of 4 outfielders to an infielder can you have a girl thrown out at 1st.

  • By admin
  • Jun 27, 2023
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Online Applications [Fall ball]

If you're interested, Look under the League Tab OR:

  • By admin
  • Feb 17, 2018
  • News

Each League, Season, Tournament is DIFFERENT

You have to update your roster with each event, here's a How To :

  • By admin
  • Aug 9, 2022
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Bases Job Box Garbage

We are starting to have issues with teams NOT putting the bases away, or locking the Job Box [where the bases out] AND... leaving the dugouts a MESS.

Please ensure your responsibility as a team is fulfilled.

1- Home teams SETS up the Bases and Home team PUTS the bases AWAY. This INCLUDES the Blue Strike mat!!

2- Job box is LOCKED !!

3- Dugouts and SURROUNDING area is CLEANED up.

  • By admin
  • Apr 20, 2023
  • News

SPN Info

  • By admin
  • Feb 20, 2023
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2023 SPN Rule changes

: update

We will adopt all these changes EXCEPT for the 1 : 1 BATTING - COUNT. We think our NO NEW inning after 60 minutes addresses this issue.

SPN Rule Changes

  • By admin
  • Dec 21, 2022
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FB YET2 Results

Results from YET 2, Twoonie draw was claimed   Tanner from Lights out will be hosting a party

  • By admin
  • Sep 26, 2022
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FB YET 1 Results

  • By admin
  • Sep 20, 2022
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League FAQ

Are you looking for information about our league ?  Do you want to play on a team or enter a team ?

League FAQ

  • By admin
  • Jan 8, 2012
  • News

For faster updates we will be posting on Telegram, Twitter under Langley Slo Pitch



  • By admin
  • Jul 12, 2021
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The ToL policy is to LOCK the gates 20 minutes after Dusk or 20 minutes after any scheduled event is over.

Your car will be locked in after this time and in July / August you would be towed.

Issue will be split games, so if you park off 216 for the 6:30 game and leave it there for the 9:10 game you will be locked in.

Please forward to your players.

  • By admin
  • Apr 29, 2022
  • News

Players LOOKING for a team ?

Add your info >>> HERE ! <<<

Coaches can access via Coach Admin, sign in then look for this :

All information is automatically deleted after the Season is done, ie After Spring all Spring ball player info is deleted, same after Fall ball

  • By admin
  • Feb 18, 2022
  • News

Tournaments @ MAP Page

Can Be found >> HERE <<

Spring 2023 YET Weekends are POSTED

  • By admin
  • Aug 9, 2021
  • News

MAP Parking lot

Parking lot gates lock 15 minutes after lights out...

So no hanging around 


  • By admin
  • Aug 4, 2021
  • News


Do NOT add players to your team on this site. We IMPORT your SPN roster ONCE so please ensure your team is completed.

Coaches can NOT add players, they must register so you can add to your team.


ALSO you can find players after you log into Coach Admin.

You will find a listing under  " PLAYER PICK UPS"

  • By admin
  • Jul 21, 2021
  • News


NEW FEATURE Sign up to our SMS Alerts. The will allow the League to text you Rain outs, Admin announcements. You can unsubscribe at any time. League can isolate texts to Teams, Divisions. Link can be found on the Home Page, below the myTeam Login.


  • By admin
  • Jan 16, 2019
  • News


ALL Bats this year must have the USSSA Thumb print. As attached. Any banned bats can be found on the SPN site.

FROM SPN 2019 Rule Book :

NOTE: All legal bats used in Slo-Pitch National will have the USSSA compliance mark located on the bat.

NON-APPROVED BATS: The batter is out and ejected from the game if he enters the batter’s area with an illegal bat. In addition, the coach/manager is ejected as well.

  • By admin
  • Jan 13, 2019
  • News

Portable Music Players

We may as well address this now. DO NOT have the music turned up so as to cause complaints from players / spectators / Township staff. We understand it's nice to have music in the back ground but having it set at "Club / Rave" levels is not fair or right. If this contuiues as an issue we will BAN portable music players and impose fines for anyone who brings one to the park. Your taste in music should STAY in YOUR dug out, Please adjust the volume accordingly.



  • By admin
  • Apr 3, 2018
  • News

Brown Road

FROM "Terms of Understanding":

  • At Brown Road, when the last game is finished you are to leave the park, parking lot and street. NO staying late. After three warnings your team is kicked out of our league, This is your FIRST warning !

  • By admin
  • Jun 28, 2016
  • News

All Painted Fair/Foul Lines are

272' long.   EACH and everyone. 

MAP, BRN, DR, NB, MJS & RR. So a fenced field and NON-fenced field are the same.

  • By admin
  • May 30, 2017
  • News

SPN Forms

For Insurance, Injury/ Incident and Parental Consent forms . Click HERE

  • By admin
  • Mar 20, 2015
  • News

Recent GameScores

Field Diamond Date Time Visitor Home Status

myTeam Login

myTeam login - enter your email address as used with your SPN Roster and pick your team and this will log you into the site. Clicking the myTeam page will load your Team Info, standings, scores, schedule in a 1 page myTeam view.

SMS Alert Registration

Recent News


2024 FB YET FINAL A : BDownload 2024 FB YET FINAL C : ... Read more...


2024 FB YET RESULTS JDownload 2024 FB YET RESULTS H:IDownload 2024 FB YET RESULTS ... Read more...

League Rules Section 17.

4. Any team member consuming alcoholic beverages at a League sanctioned event ... Read more...

Left over balls from previous seasons ?

Can't take them to dump as they're basically "nuke" proof ? ... Read more...

Game Scores

Friendly reminder, Home Team Coaches are to enter their game scores via ... Read more...

SPN Roster for Fall ball

Please ensure your Fall ball Roster for our League is COMPLETE before ... Read more...

2024 Ball / Scorebook Pick up

Will be available starting Wednesday July 24 at MVP Athletic Supplies. You will ... Read more...

2024 Fall ball schedules are LIVE

You should have 14 games, 7@home, 7@visitors. ...