Game Rules

Game Rules

1. All teams shall play six (6) males and four (4) females in the field.
2. BC “9” Rule
a ) A team will be allowed to start a game with nine (9) players from the official start time of the game.
b ) The same team is allowed to add a tenth player to the batting order before the end of the first inning.
c ) An automatic out will be recorded where the last player in the batting line up would have batted.

3. If a player [male or female] is injured during play, the SPN BC injury rule will apply.

4. NO BUNTING !! A female batter CAN NOT be "forced" out at first by an outfielder, presumption is four [4] fielders.

5. There is a maximum of five (5) runs per team per inning, with the last inning being open.

6. Modified intentional walk rule: If a male has been intentionally walked (when batting before a female), he is awarded second (2nd) base. The woman must bat. An intentional walk is when:
a) the pitcher does not throw at least one (1) strike to the male batter.

7. Batting Order
a) Teams may bat up to 18 players. If the additional player rule is used, eg) batting more than ten, players MUST be added in groups of two, one each male/female or female/male as per rule 13.1 in the SPN rule book.
b) No more that two (2) male batters in a row {including wrap around eg) bottom order to top}.

8. If a team should bat more than two (2) male batters in a row, and:
a) The defensive team makes the Umpire aware of this prior to a pitch being made to a subsequent batter, then the offending player is called out and the offensive team shall be allowed to adjust their batting order to reflect the league rule.
b) However, if the defensive team fails to notice the infraction on the first occurrence, and bring it to the attention of the Umpire, the batting order shall remain as is for the remainder of the game, regardless of rule contravention.

9. Modified Substitution Rule
a) The SPN substitution rule will apply, with the exception of a substitute being allowed to re-enter the game in the event of an injury to a starting player.

10. Home Run Rule
a) Match plus 2. [can not be more than two [2] home runs ahead]. Effect: Where an over the fence homerun is hit that is in excess of the number allowed, the batter will be called out.

11. Bat Rule
a) Slo-Pitch National bat rule [latest revision] to be used. Effect: When a non-approved bat is brought into the batters box by the batter, the batter will be called out.

b) LMSP uses Big Ball / small ball with Male ONLY able to hit the Big Ball while Women have the option to hit either the Big Ball or small ball. Effect: If a batter hits the wrong ball the play will stand.


Section 2 – Field Rules

1. MAP N1: If a ball lands on the hill by Rotary Field house, it is ruled a "home run". If it rolls onto the hill, it is ruled a "ground rule triple".
2. MAP N2 & 3: If a ball is hit or rolls through the fence, it is ruled a "ground rule triple".
3. MAP SW : If a ball is hit or rolls into the bushes (an attempt must be made to field the ball), it is ruled a "ground rule triple".

4. BWN SW: If a ball is hit into the trees, it is ruled a "home run". If it rolls onto the trees, it is ruled a "ground rule triple".

  • By admin
  • Jun 24, 2024

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